
Friday, March 09, 2012

A Girl

A girl is like a gorgeous flower
that spreads fragrance every hour.
She's delicate and sensitive;
in a cocoon of emotions she lives.

She's a fairy on earth,
a precious gift right from birth.
As a child she spreads warmth and cheer,
babbling away, wanting everyone to hear.

She transforms into a beauty,
but sincerely performs her duty.
Duly, she gets married;
away from her loved ones she's carried.

She adapts to the new place quickly,
taking in everything quietly, meekly.
She gives up on her life, caring for others.
She feels too, about that, barely anyone bothers.

Yet, she doesn't complain or whine.
Of a happy family, she's the spine
She takes all the anger, all the trouble.
But never lets her strength wobble.

Next to God she's placed,
for with the power of giving birth, she's blessed.
A girl is an angel in disguise,
She's the other name of sacrifice..


  1. Really Awesome...Proud to be a gal!!!

  2. beautiful! feelings flowing through the words all over!

  3. Nice poem Kritika..flows well..and the loved the last two lines!
    Would have loved to see a bit more of feminism and feisty spirit to this though! :)
